Speaking to High School BPA students

Speaking at the Awards Ceremony for BPA

Tally (former Mrs. Idaho Contestant), Jackie & Angela
Jackie Walker & Angela Boyle
OK - - This week was CRAZY!!! When I was asked to speak for a couple of different events a while back, I was really excited. Little did I know that it would turn out to be such a difficult week. M'Kay & McCall both missed two days of school because of sore throats and fevers. Nothing too major - - but sick. I spoke at the Business Professionals of America Conference (BPA) for College Students on Friday Night. I was very involved with this organization when I was in high school (it was called OEA - - Office Education Association) and competed in Public Speaking and Job Interview. I also ran for a National Office and won, so I had the honor of serving in that role my Senior Year. Anyway, it was really fun to return and speak to this great organization. When Marc & I got home our oldest son, Taylor, had a fever of 104. Over the weekend it was up to 106 and we spent hours in the Quick Care (never a quick place) & Emergency Room. Of course no one could tell us what was wrong and sent us home with Tylenol. Finally on Monday we saw our pediatrician and found out that he has pneumonia. I've never seen him so sick - - it was horrible! He still wasn't doing well on Tuesday, but I had committed to speak in Kuna at a women's event and was still planning to go. Spencer came home after school with a fever of 101, Marc took M'Kay to the dermatologist and found out that he had a terrible staph infection all over his face and Grant's basketball coaches arrived on my doorstep with Grant because he hurt his foot in practice. I'm supposed to be leaving in 15 minutes to "Be Uplifting" to other women. I can't even get a smile on my face at this point! But, I went - - and it was a beautiful evening. Tally Doty, former Mrs. Idaho America Contestant, was in charge of the evening and Jackie Walker & Angela Boyle came to listen to me speak. It was great to see all of them.
When the media reported from Mrs. America that I was an RN - - maybe they were right! I have been taking temperatures, administering meds, changing sheets, and disinfecting every inch of my house - - every day! Thursday night I still had sick children, but ran over to Boise State to speak at the BPA opening ceremonies for the high school level. There were hundreds of extremely enthusiastic students and I had a great time. Even though the week was stressful, I did enjoy being Mrs. Idaho and getting away for just a moment to share my message with others. By the way, even though Grant got injured, he was the only one that didn't get sick. Well, until today when the school nurse called to have him picked up because of a fever!! :) I'm sure I'll be next because mom always ends up sick. If I could just wait 5 weeks until the pageant is over!
Thanks for reading the Salinas Saga!!!
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