State Costume Competition
Representing our beloved Boise State Broncos on national television!
(my friends)
Well, I did it! I made the top ten at Mrs. America!!! What an incredible feeling! The final night had lots of twists and turns - - including my earring dropping off my ear on stage during costume, someone taking my competition shoes right before I went on stage to compete in swimsuit, (didn't get a final look at myself because I was frantic trying to find them and you can see tape out the top of my suit - - thank you Mrs. South Dakota for letting me borrow your shoes) another earring breaking as I was headed on stage, and my gown getting completely wrapped around my foot as I competed in evening gown. I never did get my shoes back, I stumbled in evening gown - - but I accomplished a goal of a lifetime! I walked the runway on national television in a modest dress. I proved that you can look beautiful and be competitive in modest clothing. I am very committed to this platform and look forward to sharing that with young women. It was difficult to find "pageant" clothes for two weeks as well as "competition" clothes that would cover me where I wanted to be covered yet still make me look as though I belonged at Mrs. America. Mission accomplished!
The pageant was very much a reality show during finals. They called a "top ten" from the judges interview and preliminary swimsuit and evening gown competitions. Then they called an additional five that had extra points from games we participated in during the week. Some were eliminated immediately after swimsuit - - I was in the group with the highest scores! After evening gown they called a top five and I was not in that. The strangest thing to me is that some of the runners-up were not even originally selected by the judges - - but hey - - that is television and they are looking for ratings.
After a long night and a very early morning to catch our plane - - I was finally home. I spent most of Friday laying in bed between loads of laundry (still not done!) I am completely exhausted! Last night was our high school's first home football game. For as much fun as I had during the last two weeks at Mrs. America - - and as cool as it would have been to win the title, I must admit that as I sat there at that game (in 85 degree weather!) with my friends and my family there was no place I would have rather been. What a great feeling to be happy with me, who I am and what I stand for! I am a mother! While I love the glamour and the gowns, most often you will find me at football games and wrestling matches - - and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me though this journey. I would not have been able to do it without you! I think I had the loudest cheering section! It is a great feeling to know how much people care!
I love you all!
Mrs. Idaho America 2007
Top Ten - - Mrs. America
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